The Keys to Writing a Heartwarming Story for Children and Adults
The Keys to Writing a Heartwarming Story for Children and Adults Many people, both children and adults, love to read stories. Reading stories is a good way to pass the time. More so, stories are also great sources of life lessons, especially for children. Heartwarming...

We Three in the Little Gray House on the Hill
Since this is my first blog on my website, I'd like to introduce myself. As noted in the bio on my website, my husband, my cat Elvira, and I live in a small gray house on a farm in rural West Tennessee. This is the setting of much of my novel William and Tibby...

Writing the “Purr-fect” Story: Tips on How to Write a Fiction Book about Cats
Writing the “Purr-fect” Story: Tips on How to Write a Fiction Book about Cats Cats are adorable creatures. They are one of the most popular pets around the world, and humans certainly love to have cats as their companions. Contrary to the popular assumption that they...

The Joy of Cat Care: 5 Reasons Why Cats Make the Best Pets
The Joy of Cat Care: 5 Reasons Why Cats Make the Best Pets Cats are a popular choice for pets besides dogs. On the internet, cat calls, meowing, and other behaviors are a ridiculously popular subject of viral photos and videos. Indeed, cats and their cool whiskers are...
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